Rahman Hak-Hagir

Limited 3 (+2 AP), numbered, signed and artist certified
photo print on alu dubond, 150 x 75 cm

About harmony within the state.
Über die Harmonie im Staate.
Di armonia all’interno dello stato.
Sobre harmonia do estado.
در مورد هماهنگي در داخل كشور
Sobre la armonía dentro del estado.
О гармонии в рамках государства.
عن الانسجام داخل الدولة
על האחדות בתוך המדינה
국가의 조화.

Performance & Postproduction:
Rahman Hak-Hagir

Photography: Christina Berger

Collective Unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species.

Jung about the Collective Unconscious:

„The collective unconscious; so far as we can say anything about it at all; appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images, for which reason the myths of all nations are its real exponents. In fact, the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious… We can therefore study the collective unconscious in two ways, either in mythology or in the analysis of the individual.“
– From The Structure of the Psyche, CW 8, par. 325.